DOFUS: Best class in PvM-PvE, tier list

You need to complete your Dofus team with a class for Player versus Monster ? The editorial team goes around the possibilities in this game mode to try to get the best out of it in PvM.

Last update: 17/01/2022

Dofus Tier list – What is the best class for PvM / PvE?

Rows are not ordered

Our criteria for this tier list

This tier list is based in part on our other ranking, which is focused on solo possibilities. Other information will however be coupled here. The goal is to think not only about Multiaccount, but also about Single Account and newer servers like Jahash. It is a question of establishing a classification of the power of the classes in a given role. Among others, they are evaluated by:

  • Their ability to chain fights easily (card farm)
  • The Getting started
  • Validation of achievements and quests
  • Viability at BL, ML and THL
  • Compatibility in Teams
  • The possible opening of the gameplay

Note that in recent years, all Dofus classes have become usable. They are all playable in PvM, alone or in groups. The study presented here focuses solely on the power differences between them. Indeed, they are now a thousand leagues in power level compared to their pre-variant spell versions.

TIER Godtier / Essential Classes

Here you will find the best possible classes in PvM on Dofus. No matter the fight, these are extremely powerful characters from A to Z.

Pandawa Dofus Symbol Class

Pandawa – God of PvM

Since the variants, the Pandawa is omnipotent in PvM. Mobility, placement, damage, tank, the class can do it all perfectly. It destroys boss mechanics and even in solo, you will have no trouble standing up to monsters. Its synergies are extremely numerous and invaluable.
Viable Modes: Tank, Fire, Air, Water, Earth

Rogue – MVP Demi-God

If the redesign should reduce its power a little, the Rogue remains alongside the Pandawa clearly above the lot. His ability to boost for PL has certainly decreased (not to mention the nerf to Cadence), he keeps great possibilities of placement-movement-damage. Better still, his Fire path now has powerful survival spells.
Viable Modes: Fire, Air, Earth

Eliotrope – Powerful Portals

It’s not for nothing that its mechanics explode on Temporis. The Eliotrope has access to free teleports, often undermining the artificial intelligence of monsters. In a team, it provides good damage boosts with a mastery of placement and the placement of a dance beat for combat.
Viable Modes: Support, Fire, Air, Water, Earth, MultiDoCrit

Enutrof Dofus Class Symbol

Enutroff – Maxi-tool box

From Clumsiness to Shovel in the Air via Early Retirement or the Regenerating Chest, the Enutrof is a complete class, able to juggle perfectly between all the essential roles in PvM outside placement (and more).
Viable Modes: Support, Fire, Air, Water

Youer Solid / Classes for good rush Dofus

Slightly below, they remain very viable and are good solutions. You can choose them by closing your eyes… except for the gameplay!

Iop Dofus Symbol Class

Iop – Clap, clap, clap, it’s your way of loving

With its elementary paths offering powerful gameplays, the Iop remains a very good class in PvM, especially in solo. Several of his spells are true divine gifts, such as Bond, Wrath of Iop or Duel. We regret a lack of sustain outside of the Water path, which can be largely compensated for with a weapon that steals life.
Viable Modes: Air, Water, Earth, MultiDoCrit

Cra Dofus Symbol Class

Crâ – All-Around Arrow

Timeless, the Cra keeps a good importance in the meta. A little affected by the nerf to his Retaliation, he comes out of the God-tier with aging gameplay and fewer synergies compared to other classes. The fact remains that the archer is extremely powerful despite losing speed.
Viable Modes: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, MultiDoCrit

Huppermage – Absolute Versatility

Like the Enutrof, but in another way, the Huppermage is a very nice toolbox. However, it requires more mastery, with effects to know and spell combos to memorize. Several stuffs will also be mandatory.
Viable Modes: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Multi, MultiDoCrit

Eniripsa Dofus Class Symbol

Eniripsa- Unparalleled support

Despite relatively poor gameplay, the Eniripsa can still hold its own in PvM. More limited in solo, it will have its place perfectly in Team for its care or its capacities of boost, in particular side PA.
Viable Modes: Fire, DoCrit~

Tier Very Good / Not as good as others

More “free”, these classes remain very versatile. They are not necessarily the best, while keeping a certain power.

Feca Dofus Symbol Class

Feca – Glyph & Area Shield

Rather good in solo, the Feca is very good at playing with monsters. Its shields, like Ataraxia, make it easy to disturb the AI, in a dream for example. His abilities, both melee and ranged, are excellent and make him a very good choice.
Viable Modes: Tank, Fire, Air, Water

Osamodas Dofus Class Symbol

Osamodas – Huge Potential Through Summons

Often overlooked, the Osamodas have enormous latent abilities from the lowest levels. Whether it’s mobility and distance via Tofus, or damage from Toads, it’s no longer so useless as a team and even less so solo. Like what, its successive redesigns have helped!
Viable Modes: Fire, Air, Water, Earth

Sram Dofus Class Symbol

Sram – Invisibility but no Immunity

Well placed by its power in Solo, the Sram has gained over the balancing of many team tools and to form synergies. The mist, for example, justifies its place on its own. And this is only one spell among others.
Viable Modes: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, MultiDoCrit

Dofus Sacrier Class Symbol

Sacrier – Reduced distance, elite damage

Nerve upon nerve, the Sacrier gets up again and again. The class shines at low levels and in Dream. It has generally improved in THL dungeons, although still very limited in its range. It will require good support to take full advantage of it.
Viable Modes: Tank, Fire, Air, Water, Earth

Sadida Dofus Class Symbol

Sadida Potentially overpowered

Behind the Enutrof, the Sadida is still a good asset. Its PM withdrawal, slightly lower, is no less appreciable, especially since it is provided continuously. Summoning control has done the class a lot of good, in all of its game modes.
Viable Modes: Air, Water, Earth, Multi

Foggernaut – PvP and PvM Pillar?

Toolbox (again) is a key word to remember. By its turrets, the Foggernaut is longer to set up but with a nice reward in the form of boosts, damage and AP. Less ubiquitous than in PvP, the class benefits much more from mid-range and distance gameplay. We will also note his very good use of MultiDoCrit via Ambush.
Viable Modes: Support, Fire, Multi, MultiDoCrit

Tier Good

The following classes have one or more large central flaws. However, it retains a good power, especially the first.

Masqueraider – Shields that are more than protective

Since Frigost, the Masqueraider hasn’t changed much in its role in PvM, especially in teams. Unfortunately, the meta doesn’t necessarily revolve around him anymore. If he’ll be on top in old dungeons (yes, Frigost, that was over 10 years ago), he’ll struggle a bit more on fresh content. You will also have a little trouble at low levels, with fragmented elementary routes.
Viable Modes: Tank, Fire, Air, Fire-Air, Water, Earth, Multi, MultiDoCrit

Xelor Dofus Class Symbol

Xelor – Thorns in the Needle

The Xelor is very strong, even in PvM. However, his abilities will be undermined regularly in dungeons or in quest fights. There remains a high number of monsters posing the gravity state, greatly affecting his game. His synergies are also no longer so extraordinary, and he often falls into the shadow of the Pandawa.
Viable Modes: Tank, Fire, Air, Water, Earth

Tier Bof

Ecaflip Dofus Class Symbol

Ecaflip – PvMeh

Erosion, essential in PvP, is almost useless in PvM. Thus, the Ecaflip loses one of its major assets. It retains good spells, with easy access to MultiDoCrit, but suffers from an “inferior” status compared to similar role classes.
Viable Modes: Fire, Water, Earth, MultiDoCrit, Multi

Ouginak – PvMeh bis

Not so surprising to see that the two more “PvP” oriented classes find themselves at the bottom of the ranking. After a great period of overpowering in dreams via its remains, the Ouginak is falling into disuse. Its scope limits it too much, with limited synergies. It will be effective at low-levels but will struggle on its own and in higher-level content.
Viable Modes: Air, Water, Earth, MultiDoCrit

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