Dofus Retro: Summary of Temporis 2, all about Parchomancia

Temporis returns to Dofus Retro with its second edition: The Kingdom of Parchomancia. Faced with Ankama’s flood of information from live and the devblog, the editorial staff offers you a summary of what you need to know about the servers!

Retro Dofus: Temporis 2, all about Parchomancia

This time, Dofus Retro endorses the theme of “Role-playing”. The adventure is more narrative and takes up the main concepts of Temporis Retro 1. Obviously, it adds a lot at the same time to the coating and the different functionalities.

You can already pre-register by clicking here. The Temporis 2 servers will open on April 19, with registration closing on the 17th. The experience will last until June 21, before the arrival of summer.

We keep the essentials

Good news, you will find the different x3 multipliers on experience, drop and runes. The team is still studying the removal of characteristic levels, note that they will not be the same in any case as on the classic Retro version. Looting equipment from monsters will also be back, with a few minor low-level tweaks.

This Temporis is even more focused on the single-account group experience. Their maximum size also increases to 4 in PvM. Be careful, the monsters remain in loot 8 and there will be no modular dungeons. In compensation, players will naturally be more powerful. For example, you can recover a pet again, the Parchouette. It will also be customizable, with infinite obtaining, and will give 1 base AP.

Scrollmancer gameplay

Connoisseurs of the Dofus 2.0 version will not lose their bearings. Each class has a completely new base kit of 4 active spells, 1 passive and can learn 10 other spells. These are said to be “Parchomancy” and to be obtained directly in play (monsters, secrets). There are no spell points and automatic ranks are added at levels 20, 50, and 100, only for class assets. For Parchomancy, you will need to collect duplicates in order to evolve them.

Through this spell recovery mechanism, many aspects of Dofus Retro are upside down. We will note for example effects differing according to your alignment or the absence of Karcham or Lashing Arrow. It is, according to Logan, to offer a unique experience and apart from the usual meta.

To come back to the drop of spells, this is done by “lootbox” scrolls, with 4 levels of rarity. They are 100% random and the same no matter what monster you face. A destruction system (in addition to evolution duplicates) will be present to recover parchotons to be exchanged with different NPCs.

Tower of Challenges

Iop’s Challenges evolve into a more physical format. The Tower of Challenges offers both a “HUB” (Bank, reset NPC, Dofus, etc.) and a map display of your progress. You will find 42 floors with rooms, puzzles and exclusive quests. The progression will be much more linear while allowing a certain modularity with your group.

To advance in the Tower, it will be necessary to recover keys in the world of the Twelve. This is a common goal for all players on a server. This time, the first to collect a key will win small rewards. Each floor will in any case offer a unique gameplay, against monsters or facing “puzzles”. As of now, no details are known about the exact content.

News and rewards

New Dofus will appear by secret drop only, in addition to old ones that can be purchased via a merchant in the tower. However, this is not the only novelty in terms of “little things to know”:

  • Smithmagic runes will allow you to pass exos at 100%
  • Progression will occur at the account level, with a single global timeout at the end
  • Dofus 2 Game Masters will join the adventure with gifts and events
  • Twitch drops will appear in the Retro Dofus category and exclusively for certain streamers

Temporis 2 on Dofus Retro, it’s coming soon

See you on April 19 on the starting line for the Temporis 2 server rush. The Gamosaurus editorial staff will accompany you with various articles to help you in your progress!

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