Dolly Parton: Why she always sleeps with her make-up on at night

Dolly Parton
Why she always sleeps with her make-up on at night

This is what Dolly Parton looks like on the red carpet – and when she goes to bed.

© tinseltown /

Dolly Parton doesn’t go to bed without makeup. As she explained in an interview, she wants to be prepared in the event of a disaster.

Dolly Parton (75) goes to bed completely made-up every evening, as she confessed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. She does cleansing and beauty routines in the morning, “because I usually try to wear my make-up over night.” The reason for this unusual behavior: “You never know if there’s an earthquake or a tornado or a storm that will force me to go out in the middle of the night.”

Her husband Carl Dean (78) is also a reason why she is almost never to be found without make-up. Even after almost 55 years of marriage together, she still wants to look glamorous for him, says Parton: “I don’t like going home and washing everything up because my poor husband has to look at me.”
