Donald Trump gives up giving a press conference on Thursday, a year after his supporters attacked the Capitol

The remote clash with Joe Biden will not take place: former President Donald Trump did an about-face, and gives up giving a press conference Thursday, January 6, exactly one year after his supporters stormed the Capitol .

In a statement released Tuesday, January 4, the Republican assures us that he will speak on January 15, in a meeting in Arizona. He protests again against the “Fraud” which according to him, and without him providing any proof, tainted the last presidential election won by Joe Biden. “The crime of the century! “ writes Donald Trump, whom his Democratic opponent has beaten by seven million votes.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers A year after the assault on Capitol Hill, back to the day when American democracy faltered

The ex-businessman does not provide a clear explanation for the cancellation of the press conference he was planning from his luxurious residence in Florida (south-east). He says give up “In the light” of the parliamentary committee “Biased and dishonest” who is investigating his role and that of those close to him in this attack that traumatized America. The Republican also charges the media “Fake News”, one of those favorite targets.

The announcement of this event, which would have coincided with a moment of meditation by the US Congress in Washington, had been received as yet another provocation by the critics of the former president. But the prospect of this speech also seemed to embarrass the Republican camp, on which Donald Trump nevertheless has an immense influence. The majority of supporters of the conservative party indeed adhere to the thesis of the ” flight “ of the last presidential election he peddles.

Read also Assault on Capitol Hill: Trump asks Supreme Court to block transfer of documents to commission

Biden will speak from the Capitol compound

Donald Trump’s about-face leaves the way open to Joe Biden, who will speak Thursday from the precincts of the Capitol, where thousands of supporters of his Republican opponent tried to prevent Congress from certifying his election .

“He will talk about the work that remains to be done to ensure and strengthen our democracy and our institutions, to reject the hatred and lies that we saw on January 6, to unite the country”, said his spokesperson Jen Psaki on Tuesday.

Since his election, Joe Biden seems reluctant to attack head-on “The other guy” Where “The guy from before” – the formulations used by the president and by the White House especially not to name the one that, perhaps, it will be necessary to face again during the presidential election of 2024., Officially, Joe Biden intends to represent himself, and the Republican, him , suggests that he is thinking about it.

According to Joe Biden, the best way to counter Donald Trump would be to reconcile the American middle class with representative democracy, by guaranteeing it jobs, purchasing power and a certain serenity in the face of globalization. But the president, increasingly unpopular, struggles to deliver the hoped-for results: the United States is suffering with immense weariness a new wave of the pandemic, its major social reforms are blocked in Congress, the cost of living is increasing …

Read the press review: Joe Biden “had to restore order in the face of chaos. But chaos prevails ”: criticism of the American press

The World with AFP

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