Donald Trump: Has his Twitter password been cracked again?

Was Donald Trump the victim of another hacking attack? A Dutchman is said to have found out his apparently simple Twitter password.

It should have cost a Dutch IT expert no more than five attempts to crack the Twitter password of US President Donald Trump (74). As the political weekly magazine "Vrij Nederland" reports, security researcher Victor Gevers had unrestricted access to Trump's personal messages last week, was able to send tweets in his name and change his profile details. Corresponding screenshots should prove the authenticity of the action.

But what is the US President's password? According to the IT expert, it was extremely weak and easy to guess: maga2020! – the short form of Trump's election slogan "Make America Great Again". There was no two-stage verification.

Twitter has "no evidence"

In 2016, Trump's Twitter account was hacked once. Victor Gevers was also part of the team back then. He informed Trump and the American government agencies about his renewed success in hacking the account, but received no response. Instead, Twitter responded with a statement published by "The Independent", among others. It states: "We have seen no evidence to support this claim."

White House deputy press secretary Judson Deere, 32, also told the newspaper that Gever's claims were "absolutely not true." Furthermore, one does not want to comment on "the security precautions in connection with the president's social media accounts".
