Donald Trump is back: the former president announces his candidacy for 2024

This Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Donald Trump formalized his candidacy for the 2024 US presidential elections.

It is now official. After two years of chanting that he was going to run for president in 2024, Donald Trump formalizes his candidacy for the US presidential elections, this Tuesday, November 15. It was in Florida that the former president made his announcement. “America’s Comeback Begins Now”said the former president before explaining his priorities for the nation. “We are here tonight to declare that it need not be so.” Determined to make a difference, Melania Trump’s husband said: “In order to make America great and glorious again, I am announcing my candidacy for President of the United States tonight.”

Very upset against the political decisions of Joe Biden, donald trump insisted on driving the point home : “Less than three years ago, our nation was at the peak of its power, prosperity and prestige, dominating all its rivals, triumphing over all its enemies, and moving forward into the future, confident and strong,” did he declare. But for him, nothing is like before : “But now we are a nation in decline, a country in bankruptcy…The past two years under Joe Biden have been a time of heartbreak, hardship, anxiety and despair.”

Donald Trump: “The United States has been embarrassed, humiliated and weakened”

It is with force and anger that Donald Trump criticized the mandate of his successor : “Inflation is the highest in over 50 years, the price of gasoline is at the highest levels in history. Our southern border no longer exists and our country is overrun by millions and millions strangers, many of whom enter with sinister intentions. The United States has been embarrassed, humiliated and weakened. The disaster in Afghanistan was the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, and Ukraine, that would never have happened if I were your president.”

Donald Trump attacks Joe Biden

Always so incisive, Donald Trump wants more than anything to regain power : “I’m going to make sure Joe Biden doesn’t get four more years. Our country could not bear that. And I’m not saying that laughing, I’m saying it in tears. Our country can’t take it all.” Wishing that a whole country is positioned behind him to support him, Donald Trump loose : “Together we will tackle the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests imaginable,” he warned. “This is not a task for a typical politician or candidate. a task for a great movement that embodies the courage, confidence and spirit of the American people…for tens of millions of proud people working together across the country and from all walks of life, young and old, black and white, Hispanic and Asian. You can’t be quiet anymore.”

The campaign is launched

It seems that the campaign for the American presidential elections is already starting : “You are angry at what is happening to our country, which is being destroyed before your eyes… Radical left democrats have embraced an extreme ideology of government domination and control. Our approach is the complete opposite, based on the values ​​of freedom, individual responsibility and simple common sense”

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