Don’t answer: A call to the number 015216254890 can cost you a fortune


If you receive a call from 015216254890, you should not answer and you should not call back. We will tell you who is behind the number.

Call the number 015216254890, don’t answer your cell phone. (Source: ronstik/

If an unknown number appears on the mobile phone display, people are often hesitant to pick up the phone. After all, it may be an important call, but there is also a good chance that it is just an annoying spam call. The latter is not uncommon and in the worst case scenario can result in your personal data being stolen.

To prevent this from happening to you, you should not answer a call from the number 015216254890. Behind this number are brazen scammers who want to lure you into a trap with two tricks. They are not after your data, but above all your money.

Call from fake health insurance company

A particularly popular call at the moment is from a fake health insurance company. If you call +4915216254890 and answer, a computer voice will answer the other end of the line. It claims that you have paid too much in health insurance contributions and tempts you with a refund. According to the voice, all you have to do is press the 1 button.

The scammers want to lure you into a perfidious trap. If you press the button, you could be redirected to a chargeable number, which is associated with enormous costs. No matter how high the promised amount may be, do not get involved in such offers. If in doubt, always contact your health insurance company through the official channels to check the authenticity of the call.

How to protect yourself

The portal tellows classifies the number 015216254890 as a high threat. The comments also indicate that the scammers are particularly active.

In general, as soon as you hear an automated message on the phone, you can hang up immediately. No reputable company would call you with a recorded message. Comparisons on the phone are also a direct indication of an attempted fraud. Regardless of whether it is your electricity provider, your bank or your health insurance company.

By the way, you should not answer such calls. Even a simple “yes” from you can have disastrous consequences. The callers could secretly record the conversation and use your words against you. If they say “yes”, they could, for example, trick you into confirming a contract. The best way to protect yourself is to hang up.

If you want to protect yourself from spam calls, you can activate the “Smart Call” function on Samsung phones. You can also block unknown numbers on the iPhone.

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In the AppStore Download Tellows*


Alternatively, you can use the tellows app on your mobile phone. It automatically warns and blocks unwanted calls. With the tellows call protection for the FRITZ!Box, you can also protect yourself from spam calls on the landline.

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