“Don’t feed AI with our work” This video game studio raises its voice against artificial intelligence

Game news “Don’t feed AI with our work” This video game studio raises its voice against artificial intelligence

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If there is one technology that has raised a lot of debate in recent years, it is generative artificial intelligence. Like many other creators, a video game studio has just sent a message to all their fans: “do not feed the AI ​​with our work”.

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A studio behind a landmark game

While the video game industry generally leaves little room for the independent scene, it is the latter which sometimes manages to stand out and monopolize the space for a few moments thanks to original productions full of new ideas. Last summer, for example, an independent game managed to make enough noise to be noticed by many players: the famous Dordogne from the French studio Un Je Ne Sais Quelle.

Released in June 2023 on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch, Dordogne is a point’n’click adventure game that focuses everything on its visual and narrative atmosphere. Its scenario places the player in 2002 when Mimi, a young woman of 32, decides to return to the abandoned house of her recently deceased grandmother Nora. The opportunity for her to reconnect with her childhood Dordogne and recall memories that she had completely forgotten, or even unearth some family secrets. If you haven’t yet played this little nugget, you can, for example, do so through Game Pass.

No mercy for AI

In addition to being released at the beginning of the summer and therefore matching perfectly with the atmosphere offered by the game, if there is one thing that has made Dordogne a success, it is all the work put into it. to the game’s graphics. Indeed, the whole title invites you to discover the Dordogne thanks to sumptuous hand-painted watercolor decorationsa truly original feat in the world of video games. So when this colossal work is shamelessly taken over to power generative Artificial Intelligence, suffice to say that the developers of Un Je Ne Sais Quelle are not really delighted:

Dear fans and content creators. We are truly grateful for your support about Dordogne.
But, even if we know that it is already done somewhere, THANK YOU for respecting all the artistic efforts that we have had to make during the last 4 years and try not to feed Artificial Intelligence with our work.


As a reminder, the use of generative Artificial Intelligence is particularly frowned upon by artists. Indeed, the latter regularly remind us that this technology only take over the work of thousands of artists without ever asking their consent, all to create copies without any thought behind it. They then consider that this is simply akin to flight, in addition to asking real questions about the future of artistic professions. Although it can be very tempting to get a “beautiful” image in a few seconds using Midjourney or any other artificial intelligence, if you support the artists and developers behind Dordogne or any other work, it is therefore better to do without it. The use of generative Artificial Intelligence does not only affect the artistic professions of the image but all creation whatever it may be.. In France, the translation and dubbing professions are, for example, currently in the middle of a campaign against this technology via the movement #TouchePasMaVF.

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