Don’t forget the lyrics: Magali Ripoll reveals why she almost left the show

Magali Ripoll confided in the columns of Télé Magazine this Wednesday, March 30. The opportunity for her to make revelations about the show Don’t forget the lyrics.

Magali Ripoll has been on the show for several years now Do not forget the lyrics. The singer is very popular with viewers and she stands out on each show thanks to her outspokenness and her little jokes. She confided in the columns of TV Magazine this Wednesday, March 30, and explained the reasons why she had already thought about leaving the program, hosted by Nagui. “I never got bored“, she first explained. “Nevertheless, I sometimes felt that I had given all I could give.“, she continued before clarifying: “So I worked on other projects in parallel“However, she was able to count on the support of the facilitator, who always knew how to find a way to convince her to stay by their side.”He managed to renew the program, to maintain this flame and I did not feel this need to leave“, she specified. Regarding her recruitment, it was in 2007 that it took place. “A conductor was commissioned to form a team and seven musicians to shoot the pilot program“, she recalled before adding: “He recruited me, because I sang and I could also play the keyboard and the accordion“. Since then, she has been alongside Nagui, other musicians and candidates every night on France 2.

As of April 9, the team of Do not forget the lyrics goes on tour throughout France. An appointment that Magali Ripoll did not want to miss. “I will take on the role of Madame Loyal and try to streamline and orchestrate this show which brings together on stage the maestros and the zikos“, she first explained. For the first part of the tour, she will be accompanied by “Margaux, Caroline, Hervé and Arsène, who will then be replaced by Kevin“, she continued before adding: “And every night, depending on which city we’re in, some local maestros will come to surprise“. In the columns of the media, the singer did not hide being close to the candidates who parade in the show. “Inevitably, there were friendships that were created over time. We are not allowed to approach them during registration periods, because it is a game where there is money”, she said. “But afterwards, we stay in touch. I hung humanly with Kevin, Renaud or Margaux“, she clarified. Very close, they are very “happy to meet again for this joyful adventure, this giant summer camp”, she concluded. A tour eagerly awaited by viewers, delighted to be able to attend this concert.

Magali Ripoll: how does she manage her daily life as a singer and a mother?

Magali Ripoll has two children. A 10 year old girl and a 4 year old boy. Her schedule is very busy but the singer assures us that we must “adapt. Sometimes I have very quiet days where I rehearse from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.where I take my children to school every morning“, she explains. Sometimes it’s much more complicated for her and especially with this tour. “There are going to be some weekends where I won’t be there. But if I don’t see them enough, I’ll take them in my suitcase.” she concluded.


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