Remember the lyrics will not be broadcast by France 2 this Tuesday, May 17 to make way for a major cultural event. A news that does not delight viewers.
Fans of the karaoke show France 2 did not take off. This Tuesday, May 17, Do not forget the lyrics will be exceptionally deprogrammed, to make way for a major event. First of all, the opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festivalcovered for the first time by the France Télévisions group and Brut, Canal + having given up its exclusivity held since 1993. A change in the channel’s program schedule which should not remain isolated.
Fans of the show orchestrated by Nagui are not at the end of their troubles. The course of the Cannes Film Festival will not be the only subject to overshadow Remember the lyrics. Started on May 16, the 2022 edition of Roland Garros will be broadcast by France 2 from Sunday May 22. The tennis tournament taking place until June 5 will conflict with the flagship program of the prime-time box of France 2.
The anger of the followers of Don’t forget the lyrics
Nothing less was needed for Internet users let off steam. On Twitter, many reactions to this deprogramming have been published. Although accustomed, since these events take place every year, viewers are disappointed and do not hesitate to let it be known. From the most measured to the most virulent, the absence of Do not forget the lyrics do not pass. When some simply deplore the start of Roland Garros, others wonder who may be interested in the opening of the Cannes Film Festival. Enthusiasts who will soon find their show.
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