Since the announcement of progressive deconfinement dated May 11, 2020, the filming of TV shows who had been suspended for weeks were able to resume to the delight of presenters, candidates and viewers delighted to be able to discover new programs after several weeks of reruns. Interviewed by TV Star, Magali Ripoll, the singer of the show Do not forget the lyrics explained how the tele-hook recording was now carried out while respecting the social distancing measures imposed by the government. The whole team went back to the studios on May 11 and continued filming at a breakneck pace as she said: "We resumed our rhythm: ten shows a day, sometimes more when we shoot on Friday morning. We were on deck on Ascension Thursday, some Sundays. We also filmed the Maestros stages in one day … We even recorded two prime-times of the new musical game, Pop Show … "
Magali Ripoll works on a mini-series
About the new organization of the orchestra and placement of singers who must be at least 1 meter apart, she said: "The sound on set is much better. The brilliance of the brass and the softness of the voices blend even better."Very active, Magali Ripoll also explained that she is currently working on a TV project:"JI'm planning a humorous and musical mini-series which consists of transforming the great successes of cinema into a musical. "
Read also : "Don't forget the lyrics": a production blunder makes internet users angry