“Don't forget the words”: the daring valve of Nagui on the private parts of his chorister Fabien Haimovici: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

It floated like an air of Fan school on the set of Do not forget the lyrics, Monday March 16, 2020. Nagui has indeed replaced the late Jacques Martin, for a few minutes, by welcoming a child on the set of Do not forget the lyrics. Because if the filming of the daily newspapers and the maestros tournament were interrupted because of the coronavirus pandemic, France 2 continues to broadcast numbers already saved. And the latest one was not lacking in spice, the presenter proving to be the teasing genre with his collaborators. The troublemaker shared a pleasant moment with Léo, a young boy who was a fan of karaoke and went up to the capital with drawings of the whole team.

⋙ Video – "Don't forget the words": this measure of production to fight against the coronavirus

So far everything was fine, each member of the orchestra being given a comparison with an animal in these portraits, the drummer Damien as a bear or the chorister Fabien as a wolf. But it was when the toddler revealed his other present, treats called "coucougnettes" that things got tough. Because to the naive question "Who is it for?" of Magali Ripoll, Nagui couldn't help it to place a rather daring joke. "It’s for Fabien, he needs it! "he launched, to the laughter of the public. Not susceptible for a penny, the martyr for one evening did not refuse the offering. "I take everything! As long as it's candy ", he retorted. A slightly light sequence in these times of disaster.

Read also : "Do not forget the words": a chorister skids … Nagui crops it