Don’t gain weight during the Christmas season: These are the best tips and tricks

Don’t gain weight during the Christmas season
These are the best tips and tricks

With proper planning, one can easily enjoy the feast.

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Keeping the weight off over the holidays only requires small changes and some self-control. These tips can help.

Enjoying Christmas without gaining weight is possible: According to a study, regular weighing and simple tips can prevent the festive season from having an impact on your hips. In a study at the universities of Birmingham and Loughborough, scientists divided 272 volunteers into two groups. One of them weighed herself regularly.

These test subjects also received information about how much exercise is necessary to burn calories in Christmas specialties such as cookies or mulled wine. If you want to work off the calories by jogging, you can spend around 1.5 hours on the road. Knowing this obviously helps: In the end, the participants weighed around half a kilo less than the comparison group in the “Weight Watch Study”.

Weigh regularly and these tips will help

Weight management tips included in the study according to “”, maintaining a meal routine and eating at approximately the same time every day.

Other tips included: walking 10,000 steps every day and standing for ten minutes every hour. When it comes to snacks, participants should opt for fresh fruit or low-calorie yoghurts. The scientists also advised, for example, to pay attention to portion sizes: apart from vegetables, no food should pile up on the plate.

Drinks should also be taken into account, the first choice here is water. The subjects should limit fruit juices and alcohol. Another piece of advice from the study: People should focus on their food, eat slowly and avoid dining on the go or in front of the TV.

Small changes and self-control

The conclusion of the study: Even small changes in portion sizes, exercise through daily walks and self-checking on the scales can be enough to avoid gaining weight over the Christmas holidays this year. Research shows that people generally underestimate calorie amounts and overestimate their calorie consumption, explains one of the scientists.

In addition to scales, fitness and health apps as well as smart watches are also suitable for getting an overview. Many applications allow you to see how many calories you have consumed per day and how many you have burned through exercise. This also makes it easy to plan the holidays: If you go to a big banquet in the evening or at lunchtime, you can plan the remaining meals to be low in calories – or do an extra exercise session.


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