Don’t keep your eggs fresh in the fridge, here’s why


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Are you used to placing your fresh eggs in your refrigerator? This is not a good idea … We explain why.

People who put their eggs in the fridge might change their mind after reading this article. Indeed, that wouldn’t be a very good idea, although putting the eggs in the fridge might seem logical. These are fresh foods and we have the impression that by putting them in the fridge, they can be stored optimally … but we are wrong. Knowing how to store this staple food is fundamental, because everyone (or almost) loves eggs. They are rich in protein, can be eaten in many different forms (scrambled eggs, omelette, fried egg…) and they are used in many preparations and recipes. They are perfect for making cakes, quiches, pancakes… In short, if you are not vegan or allergic, they are part of your daily life.

Before explaining to you why you should keep them out of the refrigerator, it is interesting to know if your eggs are expired or not. How? ‘Or’ What ? Just place your egg in a glass of cool temperature water. If the egg floats, it must be thrown away, it is no longer fresh. If it sinks to the bottom of the glass, you can consume it. Easy !

Why should you never put your eggs in the fridge?

Once you’ve made sure your eggs haven’t expired, you need to know how to store them. Do not put them in your fridge: the change in temperature promotes the proliferation of bacteria on the shell. Whereas if you leave them in your kitchen, at room temperature, no risk.

Finally, if you have put them in the fridge and you are reading this article: do not take them out because they do not support temperature changes. Consume them as is; you will keep your next eggs out of the fridge.

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