“Don’t pay rent”: Cruise employee reveals what it’s really like on board

Jack Nolan gave up his 40-hour-a-day job to work on a cruise ship. Now he reveals what it’s really like on board and dispels some clichés.

Jack Nolan worked as a plumber before fulfilling his dream of working on the high seas and entertaining people. The 33-year-old is now a musician on cruise ships and earns just under 47,000 euros annually. Social-Media he reveals what it is really like to work where others go on holiday.

Cruise employee: “We don’t pay rent either”

Nolan has revealed that working as a musician on a cruise ship has many perks, including being able to spend his days as he pleases and having the opportunity to explore each destination he visits at his own pace.

He says there aren’t many jobs where you can see so many countries and experience so much culture. So far he has seen the Acropolis in Greece, the Colosseum in Rome and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, among others.

“We also don’t pay rent or groceries, which is great because those are two of the biggest expenses in life,” Jack claims in his video, which has been viewed by thousands of people.

Cruise ship allegedly bans relationships between colleagues

In addition, part-time jobs are common among the cruise ship’s employees. Among other things, his work as a guitarist and singer also allows him to hold art auctions and earn money alongside his music.

But not everything is always so rosy. Since they live in small rooms right next to each other, he sometimes feels like a student. In addition, colleagues are always having sex with each other, even if there is a rumor that this is forbidden. If there is stress, it affects the mood among colleagues.

Pirates on board?

In addition, stranded boats would sometimes appear at sea and their occupants would then be allowed on board. “There was a rumor that there were pirates on board – rumors spread very quickly here,” says Nolan.

Despite the difficulties, Nolan described his life on Instagram as “addictive” and recommended that everyone “choose a job that allows you to travel as much as possible.”

A few days ago, another cruise ship made headlines. A passenger on board a ship claimed to have seen Russian warships from the deck. The man was on board off Florida when Russian warships were on their way to Cuba.

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