Don’t want to pay taxes? This turnip either

In the crazy Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, we embody a turnip who does not want to pay his taxes. Starting point of a short but successful adventure, inspired by the old Zelda.

The wacky video game Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion begins with a nightmare: the receipt of a tax form with a very large sum to be reimbursed. Except that, unlike us model citizens, the hero, a cute little turnip, prefers to tear up the document. A gesture that will earn him become the mayor’s handyman – a mustachioed onion. Do you think this synopsis makes no sense? It is however the starting point of an overall successful adventure.

We will quickly understand that Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is a vast farce, which makes fun of tax evasion, among other more or less current topics. It revolves around a universe where fruits and vegetables live in a society governed by strict rules, to guarantee the common good. Taxes are obviously part of it, much to the chagrin of the turnip who wishes to rebel against the system.

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is part of the games coming to Xbox Game Pass in April 2022. It is also available on PC and Nintendo Switch.

Quite a sum to pay for a turnip… // Source: Capture Xbox

The Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Video Game Is Incredibly Funny

If we were to bring Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion of another video game, we would most certainly cite an old Zelda. It recycles several mechanics from Nintendo’s flagship saga, from the top view to the little hearts to pick up to recover some health. During his very short adventure (2 to 3 hours, to break everything), the turnip collects a few gadgets that help solve some simplistic puzzles. A watering can will allow you to interact with seeds (some of them turn into teleportation portals, like Portal !), a suit to resist the flames. Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion does not reach the depth of a Zelda, but at least it offers a gameplay of formidable efficiency.

When he does not have to help the mayor to collect various mysterious objects (we will understand at the end why), the turnip can lend a hand to the inhabitants whom he crosses. A hairdresser pepper who needs a dye, a student who has dropped his smartphone, a pepper salesman who wants to obtain product placement with a streamer, a mafia pickle who is trying to escape from his jar… So many situations crazy to discover, knowing that the developers are happy to multiply the references to pop culture (we have given you some examples below).

Don't want to pay taxes?  This turnip either
Very simple boss fights // Source: Capture Xbox

The action part is not very elaborate but, once again, it is humor that prevails. As one embodies a plant entity, the bestiary of Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion brings together herbivorous animals, such as snails or rabbits. It’s proof that behind the huge gag hides a form of consistency that brings a lot of satisfaction. We navigate from wink to wink, without ever feeling the urge to let go of the controller. In view of the short lifespan, one may be tempted to finish the game in one go (spoiler: new areas are accessible after the end credits). As a bonus, the production is in good shape, except perhaps for certain pieces of music, which can become heady.

Note that the turnip has a dirty habit: tearing up anything that looks like a tax document – ​​even a declaration of love for a strawberry.

A few jokes to enjoy

When Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion play puns:

Don't want to pay taxes?  This turnip either
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion // Source: Capture Xbox

When Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion refers to Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy :

Don't want to pay taxes?  This turnip either
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion // Source: Capture Xbox

When Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion mocks paid extensions:

Don't want to pay taxes?  This turnip either
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion // Source: Capture Xbox

When Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion refers to covid (with a little advice on use):

Don't want to pay taxes?  This turnip either
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion // Source: Capture Xbox

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