Double luck – food delivery driver cycled on Salzburg’s western highway

A cyclist as an Internet hit: A food delivery driver was recently filmed in a car driving towards the Salzburg-Mitte exit on the A1 western motorway towards Munich. This is of course strictly forbidden. The person is twice as lucky.

These are pictures like from India! A food delivery person from a well-known delivery service company with an orange logo in Salzburg had double luck: On the one hand, because nothing happened to the person during a short tour on the western motorway through the Lieferinger Tunnel. On the other hand, because she went unnoticed by the police on the forbidden ride. “If we had seen that, the cyclist would have been stopped immediately and reported,” said the Salzburg state police in response to “Krone” inquiries. In addition, there would have been a fine of at least a three-digit euro amount. Only motor vehicles with a minimum speed of 60 km/h are permitted on the motorways.
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