Doubts about forecast – A9 expansion: Is traffic increasing more than expected?

The state government is pushing for a third motorway lane south of Graz and is receiving support from a new study. But a climate expert expects the expansion to result in a greater increase in traffic than expected.

Since the previous week, a report from traffic experts from TU Graz and the company Trafility has been available, according to which only a third lane on the A9 between Graz-West and Wildon could prevent this section from being completely overloaded. The authors have already taken into account the expansion of public transport in the region, such as the Koralmbahn or the electrification of the GKB route. For the ÖVP-SPÖ state government, there is therefore no alternative to the expansion. She continues to try to convince the Green Climate Minister Leonore Gewessler to give up her blockade. Effect “massively underestimated” The Graz climate researcher Karl Steininger is now making people sit up and take notice in a letter to the state parliamentary groups: that according to the TU study, the expansion will only cause minimal additional traffic (the We are talking about around 700 vehicles per working day), which should be questioned. This effect is often “massively underestimated” in Austria. The A9 cause was recently discussed among traffic planners and they are assuming at least a ten to 15 percent net increase in traffic – “as the lowest limit”. Because more logistics centers will be built along the motorway. This would also further increase CO2 emissions and land consumption.Greens want answers from LacknerThe Greens are taking up Steininger’s proposal and are making an urgent request to SPÖ Environment Councilor Ursula Lackner on the subject of the A9 in the special state parliament on Friday. They must finally take a stand. The green club chairwoman Sandra Krautwaschl would particularly like to know what steps will be taken to incorporate aspects of soil, space and environmental protection into the task of the study.
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