Dozens of ads – police target “Roadrunner” meeting

Around 500 vehicles with more than a thousand participants again besieged a rest stop at the weekend – this time along the southern motorway. The police issued a total of 90 reports, temporarily removed eight license plates and four driver’s licenses.

The problem with the tuning scene in the area around the federal capital Vienna is becoming increasingly important. As reported, hundreds of vehicles besieged Stockerau only at Whitsun, and now the Mödling district was hit last weekend.

A “Roadrunner” meeting with around 500 vehicles and around a thousand participants was blown up by the police at a rest stop on Sunday night. A total of 25 patrol cars from several districts and the state traffic department arrived: 90 ads under the Motor Vehicle Act were processed. Although the A 2 was quiet again afterwards, the quarrels with the rowdies are likely to continue.