Drag reading in Zurich – “Children are not spoiled by such occasions” – News

For a few days right-wing circles on social media platforms have been calling for resistance to the drag queen event “Drag Story Time” on Saturday. They did not receive a permit from the Zurich city police. Afternoons like this for children have been taking place in Zurich for several years. In autumn 2022, the events came into focus for the first time when neo-Nazis from the “Junge Tat” disrupted an event in the Tanzhaus.

At the secondary school in Stäfa (ZH), the gender day was canceled after massive threats, among other things. So two occasions in connection with children of many, which are a thorn in the side of certain circles. But what do such occasions actually mean for the children? Answers from a child psychologist.

Philip Ramming


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Ramming is a specialist psychologist for child and adolescent psychology and psychotherapy and a member of the Federation of Swiss Psychologists (FSP).

SRF News: Has anything changed about how children grow up these days?

Philipp Ramming: Nowadays, children have to deal with a much greater variety of things that they have to deal with. For some this is more complicated, for others more exciting. It is no longer so easy for the children to find their own way; the variety of life plans is significantly greater.

Basically, I welcome the idea of ​​giving the children this contact and showing them things.

How mature and enlightened are children today?

Children are more stimulated and encouraged to engage in something. On the one hand the children know more, on the other hand it is difficult for them to choose and commit. The development of puberty lasts longer and with it the adolescence.

How do you feel about the «Drag Story Time» reading?

The occasion is one of many. If people are having fun on such an occasion, everything is okay. The organizers advertise with: ‹The focus of the event is the creation of an experience across generations, identities and migrations›. I’m rather skeptical about how you want to convey all this to the children in 90 minutes. But basically I welcome the idea of ​​giving the children this contact and showing and explaining things to them. Diversity in our society should be respected.

drag queen


“‘Drag Story Time’ is a playful program for children aged 3 to 8 years that was developed in 2019 by the activist and educator Brandy Butler”: This is how the organizers advertise the reading on Saturday. (Image: Drag Queen in Australia)


I find it difficult when children are coerced. This is not useful for them. You should explain things better to the children. So in this case: This disguised person feels good, there are people like that, etc.

The openness of the children depends on the openness of the parents.

At what age should children attend such events?

This whole discussion is heavily ideological. Small children should be able to form their own opinions and you don’t have to protect them from such occasions. Children must be protected from all kinds of abuse, but not from such occasions. Reading a book together is not an assault. The children should deal with social role models.

What do you recommend to parents in connection with such occasions?

The openness of the children depends on the openness of the parents. Children are not spoiled by such occasions. It is important to seek dialogue with them. Children see an extremely large number of things in everyday life; you have to help them integrate and understand them.

Benjamin Hostettler conducted the interview.

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