Dragon Age 4 continues to sell us dreams with this new information

Dragon Age 4 continues to gather new information before its release in the fall of 2024, this time regarding its gameplay and its story.

We shared with you our preview of Dragon Age 4, with very positive first impressions. Our colleagues at Game Informer had the opportunity to spend more time with The Veilguard, the next highly watched game from BioWare. Here is what we can learn from their particularly comprehensive and detailed presentation.

More details on Dragon Age 4 gameplay

With its gameplay presentation on June 11, Dragon Age 4 only scratched the surface by highlighting its prologue. We could indeed see the Thief class in action, but only at level 1. In addition, the tactical aspect of the game by giving orders to its companions via an action wheel was then unavailable. The article provided by Game Informer sheds more light on some of these elements.

The character that we will be able to create would have, among other things, light, heavy and charged attacks. It will be possible to dodge and parry enemy blows, at least for the Warrior and Thief classes. The third class available, Mage, will create a shield to repel its attackers, provided you have enough mana to cast it. Even after a dodge or a parry, it will be possible to resume a combo initiated before a defensive action. Our avatar’s range of skills will also evolve throughout the game via a talent tree. Finally, a certain tactical aspect can be found in having at our disposal different sets of weapons that we can exchange in the middle of combat.

The story and the characters lift the veil of mystery surrounding them

The second most interesting part of Game Informer’s coverage of Dragon Age 4 focuses on the story and our companions. Be careful however, some SPOILERS could slip into this part. If you want to be surprised by a release of Veilguard planned for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series in the fall of 2024, don’t venture any further.

In the prologue presented by BioWare, we can see Solas and two gigantic statues. These would be the deities Elgar’nan and Ghilan’nain. It seems that the three characters play a central role in The Veilguard. While Solas is trapped in the Veil that he tried to seal, the other two entities have been released onto Thedas. This will have catastrophic repercussions, which our character and our companions will have to counter. For this, the Veilguard will find refuge in the Lighthouse, a base in the Veil. From this headquarters, we will pass through portals leading us to different missions. This therefore goes some way to justify the abandonment of the open world component of Inquisition. It is via a first mission that we will meet Bellara in the enchanting forest of Arlathan, after having met Harding and Neve in the prologue.

According to Game Informer, Dragon Age 4 will also have no shortage of locations with a much darker atmosphere. Regarding companions, we will be able to develop our relationships with them by helping them in their personal quests, by taking them with us or according to our choices in the dialogues. Nothing surprising for fans of the license. However, it will be more difficult to develop said relationships, our group being limited in this fourth opus to three characters, our avatar included. Either way, this detailed preview shared by Game Informer paints a pretty promising picture. However, we will have to wait until this fall to see if the final result will be up to par. Another positive point in its favor: no mandatory Internet connection, nor microtransactions, very controversial elements found in many modern games.

A strong comeback for Dragon Age and its studio? © BioWare

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