Dragon Age 4 gets rid of highly controversial elements from other games

Dragon Age 4 always reveals a little more, and BioWare’s desire to get rid of very controversial elements risks greatly increasing its sympathy.

In any case, this is what we can glean from an interview with Corrine Busche, director of Dragon Age 4, with IGN. Despite the fact that the title is published by Electronic Arts, elements that have caused controversy among players on other games should not be present on BioWare’s next highly watched game.

Dragon Age 4 will be a single-player game in its purest form

Ten years after Inquisition, Dragon Age 4, called The Veilguard, finally spread its wings during Summer Game Fest 2024. First during the Xbox Games Showcase, then during a proper gameplay presentation. Since then, previews and interviews have allowed us to learn more about BioWare’s next game. This is particularly the case in the context of an interview with its director with IGN.

This one wants to make Dragon Age 4 “ the most complete single player game possible “. This would translate into two ways: the ability to play offline and the complete absence of microtransactions. For the first point, remember that Inquisition used a website to list players’ choices in previous games. You therefore had to be connected for the game to have access to this information. The Veilguard will do without this functionality, these choices being included in the creation of his character.

Corrine Busche clarified things as follows: “ I want to emphasize one thing. There will be no microtransactions or Battle Pass. You will not have to be constantly connected to the Internet. Our goal is to make the most complete single player game possible “. If players could be worried or taken aback by what they saw during the gameplay presentation, in particular a more interventionist orientation and a tad less tactical, the absence of these two elements having caused controversy in other games should in in any case reassure them. However, we will have to see all of this in detail when Dragon Age 4 is released during the fall on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.

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