Dragon Age 4 reveals more about its gameplay, it will change a lot

Dragon Age 4 shows itself to be decidedly deeper than its first gameplay presentation suggested, while promising new details emerge.

The development of Dragon Age 4: The Veilguard has obviously been long and fraught with pitfalls, but it seems that BioWare has done its utmost to offer a game that lives up to such long expectations. In any case, this is what we can glean from new details regarding its gameplay.

A gameplay that promises to be dense for Dragon Age 4

Presented for the first time on June 11, Dragon Age 4 was then content to present the prologue, where all its mechanics were still to be discovered. It is thanks to various previews like ours or the very extensive one from Game Informer that we can better appreciate BioWare’s work. This time it is the fight that interests us here, described as the “best in the series” according to the director of the previous opuses.

When creating our character, we will have access to three classes: Warrior, Mage and Thief. The first will focus on parrying and stunning enemies, the second on powerful spells like wall of fire, and the last on agility and devastating attacks in the shadows. It will also be possible to choose three unique specializations per class.

The companions will not be left out in the fights. These will have their own talent tree that we can develop via points. When it comes to commanding them, this will go through an action wheel, in which we can put between three and five skills. Otherwise, they will fight on their own. We were also able to see that the status effects that we know in particular from Mass Effect 3 will be present.

It will thus be possible to create combos of effects for devastating results. Given companions will thus have a certain synergy between them. Despite its interventionist gameplay more focused on action compared in particular to Origins and Inquisition, Dragon Age 4 does not seem to lack a certain tactical aspect. We’ll be able to see it better when it releases this fall on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.

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