Dragon’s Dogma 2 can completely destroy your game, be careful!

Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be intimidating at first, but this secret can even have destructive potential for your game. We explain its nature and how to avoid it.

The vast open world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 holds many secrets. One of them, quite subtle and pernicious, can affect your game in a particularly dramatic way. For our part, we have had the terrible experience of this, for science. So we explain to you how to identify it and avoid it… like the plague.

The most terrible secret of Dragon’s Dogma 2

Before getting to the heart of the matter, some preliminary caveats are in order. What we’re about to talk about may reveal an important element of Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you prefer to keep the (bad) surprise, do not go further, Insurgents. If, however, you want to avoid causing terrible damage in your game, here is what you need to know about this scourge which concerns our very dear Pawns.

These Pawns are there to warn you not to go any further if you want to avoid a major spoiler. ©Capcom

When you face a dragon, one of the most powerful adversaries in the game, they can inflict worse harm than just damage to your health. Sometimes they can grab a Pawn and turn it against you. You will then have no choice but to knock him out so that he comes to his senses. But, insidiously, the dragon may have planted a very sinister seed within him. This seed is called the Draconic Plague. At first glance, you may not be aware that such a disease was contracted by a Pawn. The only time the game will tell you about it is when you recruit one who carries this evil. The worst part is that it can be transmitted to the other Pawns in your group.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Draconic Plague
This is how the game warns you of its darkest secret. © Geralt de Reeves for Gameblog

What is the Draconic Plague and how to avoid it?

If you have not received this message and a dragon has caught one of your Pawns, you will continue the adventure as if nothing had happened. But if you go to rest in town at an inn or one of your mansions, a particularly sinister cutscene may greet you when you wake up. You will then see a nightmare scene where the infected Pawn transforms into a shadow dragon. In this form, he will let out a blood-curdling scream, with music that is not to be outdone.

When you leave your bed, you will discover the terrible truth: the Draconic Plague has killed absolutely all the NPCs in the city where you stayed. All, without exception. The only way to bring them back to life is to use a Waking Stone. Except that these are extremely rare in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and are also used to revive you. This means that all quests related to NPCs in the Plague-ravaged city will potentially be closed to you forever. Waiting a week or two in-game could also revive important NPCs. However, this may be a glitch, and not a resolution imagined by Capcom. Since you have rested, the game will automatically save and you will have no way to go back. You will have understood, this affliction lives up to its name atrociously well.

Fortunately, there is a way to prevent disaster. After fighting a dragon that has grabbed a Pawn, study its behavior carefully. If there is a red glow in his eyes, it is a sign that the Plague is brewing. Likewise, if you occasionally see him holding his head or acting erratically or insubordinately, something is wrong. At the slightest alarming sign, immediately return the affected Pawn. If it is your main Pawn, you will have to kill it and not revive it, even if it may be painful for you. This will have the effect of “purifying” the Pawn of disease, and you will then be able to use its services again. So be vigilant, Insurgents, if you want to prevent the kingdom that rightfully belongs to you from being ravaged by the Draconic Plague.

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