Dragon’s Dogma 2 is officially in development

When we think of Capcom, it is mainly the Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Monster Hunter licenses that come to mind these days. But exactly 10 years ago, the studio offered a real 3rd person RPG, with some original game mechanics, such as Pawns, and the possibility of greatly altering its spells: Dragon’s Dogma. Gigantic monsters were also faced regularly, which did not fail to create exchanges of inspiration with Monster Hunter. The story and the universe of Dragon’s Dogma are quite dark, since we embody a warrior in search of revenge against a red dragon who killed his wife before tearing out her heart. Events also take some unforeseen turns that we let you discover.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Info

Hideaki Itsuno, the director of the first title, therefore officially announced the development of the second opus last night, in the video above. He made the announcement after talking at length about the first title. At the time, he was inspired by his experience with paper role-playing games and then Capcom’s arcade games in the 90s. He decided to combine the two into a new title. He detailed the creative process at length. As he now announces, a new cycle is about to begin. Those familiar with the history of the game can certainly guess what this entails.

Unfortunately, almost nothing has been said about Dragon’s Dogma 2 for the moment, we just know that it is in development, that the ESRB classification (the equivalent of our PEGI) should be 17+, that is, say for a mature audience. It should also be designed on Capcom’s in-house engine, the very powerful RE Engine. There is no release window or list of platforms announced at this time. As Capcom’s current policy is to release its games on as many platforms as possible at the same time, including the PC, only Switch players have potential concerns.


How to discover the Dragon’s Dogma license?

Although it has many fans, the first Dragon’s Dogma also flew under the radar of many gamers, and Capcom is well aware of that. It is for this reason that the remaster of Dragon’s Dogma, named Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is currently on sale on Switch, Xbox One, PS4 and PC. He is at -84% on Steamwhich makes it possible to buy it for the modest sum of 4,79€. The game has aged well, and it is possible to play it in good conditions.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to test the video game, you can settle for theanime on netflix, which is quickly seen. It’s sadly very ugly, and the story is badly truncated, but it’s still a decent summary of the story, if not good publicity.


Find our list of the most important upcoming game releases, not to be missed in 2022 and 2023 on PC, Xbox, Switch, PS4 and PS5. Discover here the release date, their trailer and the main info on the upcoming JV releases.

The release of the Monster Hunter Rise expansion is coming in 2 weeks, but we already know the content roadmap, with new monsters, a new area, and new challenges. The hunters will have something to occupy themselves during the months, even the year following the launch.

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