Drink more – this drinking innovation is currently conquering the internet

We should drink around 1.5 to 2 liters a day. Ideally even more in summer. But hardly anyone can do that. Thanks to this product, that should now change.

We are talking about air up®. This is flavored water that you can take with you anywhere in the practical drinking bottle. The advantage: the water is low in calories but still tastes good. And when the water has at least a little taste, we automatically drink more.

And this is how it works:

  • Fill your air up® drinking bottle with water
  • Push the straw in as far as it will go
  • Now put the mouthpiece and the straw back on the bottle
  • Choose an air up® pod of your choice (e.g. cucumber or lime) and place it on the mouthpiece with the image facing up
  • Pull the Pod up until it stops
  • Drink and enjoy!

Try it:

air up® Drinking bottle

€ 40.28
Click here for the drinking bottle.

And choose your favorite flavor:

air up® pods

3 pack
Apple flavor
€ 7.15
Click here for the pods.

air up® pods

3 pack
Cucumber flavor
€ 7.15
Here goes‘s about the pods.

air up® pods

3 pack
Peach flavor

€ 7.15

Click here for the pods.

If this drinking innovation is too “modern” for you and you prefer to drink only water, go for normal water bottles. The following models are bestsellers:

Drinking bottle

€ 21.97
Click here for the drinking bottle.

Drinking bottle

€ 20.16
Click here for the drinking bottle.

You can find more product recommendations in our comparison portal, current offers and discounts can be found in our voucher portal.

This article was written with editorial independence. As an Amazon partner, we earn from qualified sales. The prices can vary on a daily basis.