drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach, good or bad?


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Detox, purifying, helps to digest… Lemon juice consumed on an empty stomach would have benefits for the body. True or false ? We take stock!

Drinking lemon juice with water on an empty stomach in the morning is part of many people’s morning routine. Why ? Lemon water or warm lemon water would have detoxifying properties, make you lose weight, help digestion…

Is it true ? Not entirely. Indeed, if the lemon has many benefits, it does not allow you to “lose weight”. It is very rich in vitamin C since according to the nutritional composition table Ciqual, it contains 45mg per 100g. Vitamin C has many benefits. It has an antioxidant role and thus helps to fight against free radicals, responsible for cell aging, but also to fight against fatigue. This is why it is an interesting food for the organism.

It’s all about proportion and frequency. If you tolerate it well, lemon juice can be consumed daily, on an empty stomach or not. If you have a stomach ache afterwards, avoid drinking it every day and especially on an empty stomach.

Drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach: what are the disadvantages?

Whether lemon juice is consumed on an empty stomach or not, it can have harmful consequences for the enamel of our teeth. Indeed, according to thestudy of the’Academy of General Dentistry published in 2005, eating foods with an acidic pH (lemon is one of them) can damage tooth enamel.

However, the enamel cannot be replaced or “regrow”: this damage is irreversible. Other foods are also singled out, such as sodas or fruit juices. It’s all about moderation.

Lemon can also be harmful for people with stomach problems like acid reflux or heartburn. Why ? Once again, everything is linked to the acid pH of the lemon: it damages the walls of the intestine but also of the digestive tract.

If you feel like you’re starting to get heartburn or esophageal pain after drinking your lemon juice, it may be that your digestive system is a bit too weak to drink lemon every day. .

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