Drinking this number of coffees a day is very dangerous for your health.

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Coffee is a stimulating drink rich in antioxidants. However, it can become toxic to the body if consumed in large quantities. Find out the dose not to exceed.

Low in calories and antioxidant, coffee also has fat-burning properties and a protective action for the vascular system. Caffeine also acts on the stimulation of the nervous system, which improves concentration and reduces reaction time to tests. But it can be toxic to the body if consumed in large quantities.

So, at what dose can coffee become dangerous for the body? To answer this question, we interviewed the Doctor Pierre Nys, endocrinologist and nutritionist. The doctor clarifies that there is “genetic regulation of the amount of coffee we drink”. Indeed, some people are predisposed to tolerate a large dose of caffeine better than others, depending on the state of their metabolism and their genetic predispositions. Nevertheless, he agrees that you should not exceed a certain dose of coffee per day.

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The toxic dose of coffee not to exceed per day

For Doctor Pierre Nys, “drinking 3 to 6 cups of coffee a day is a beneficial dose for the body and allows the body to benefit from all the antioxidant and stimulating properties of coffee”. Above this dose, coffee can have a negative impact on the quality of sleep, digestion and it can also cause headaches. According to the Doctor, “drink more than 10 cups of coffee a day is strongly discouraged and constitutes a toxic dose for the body”. The solution for coffee addicts? Replace a few cups of coffee with other caffeine-free drinks: chicory, rooibos, herbal tea or carob powder.

Thank you to Dr. Pierre Nys, author of the book No longer bloated at Leduc editions.

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