Drivers will have to pay for emissions in the future: the EU agrees on the “biggest climate law of all time”

Anyone who burns petrol, diesel and heating oil will have to pay for the emissions in the future. In addition, a new climate tariff is intended to protect Europe from deindustrialization. These are the most important building blocks of the EU climate law “Fit for 55”.

It will be more expensive: drivers in April 2022 on the Kaiserdamm in Berlin.

Imago / Jochen Eckel /

There was a lot of drama in the room, said German MEP Peter Liese from the CDU on Monday. He and his colleagues reached a provisional agreement on the core of the “Fit for 55” climate legislation with negotiators from the Commission and the Council of EU Member States on Sunday night in Brussels. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission, presented the package in July 2021, and the institutions have now waved it through in what is, for the EU machine, little time.

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