Driving cheap e-cars – First comparison tool for charging tariffs launched

There are still many hurdles when dealing with electric cars. One of them is the Babylonian confusion when it comes to charging rates. Finding the ideal one is difficult. A free online comparison presented by the ÖAMTC can now help here.

The 45 largest operators of charging stations in Austria alone have over 300 tariffs with a wide range of conditions to choose from. Roaming solutions make it possible to choose an electricity provider and tariff at almost any of the 18,000 public charging points. Only: Which is the cheapest? With the ÖAMTC’s so-called loading compass, you get the answer in a second, updated daily. All you have to do is enter the name of the operator and the charging capacity of the station in the new app. Which tariffs work there, how are they composed in terms of their pricing and structure, which other conditions must be observed. “Such a simple and comprehensive comparison has not been possible before,” says Markus Kaiser, the club’s e-mobility expert is incomparably more difficult to understand: E-mobility drivers must know that there are different billing systems (time tariffs, kWh tariffs, flat-rate tariffs) coupled with different tariff types (tariffs with or without a monthly basic fee, monthly service flat-rates, one-off card fees, etc.) gives. In addition, there are various roaming agreements between the operators – all of which makes it difficult for end customers to find the right charging tariff suitable for me? How much does charging at a specific station in my area cost me?” the expert explains. “With our new tool, we want to create clarity and, above all, make things easier and thus contribute another piece of the puzzle to the spread of e-mobility.” The ÖAMTC charging compass can be accessed here free of charge. What is your experience with charging tariffs? Write them in the comments!
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