Drought: is there a risk of running out of drinking water in the coming weeks?

Restrictions are increasing in many departments. banusevim / stock.adobe.com

DECRYPTION – The lack of rainfall and the alarming state of the water tables are raising fears of ever-increasing restrictions for households.

9.7 millimeters on average compared to 70 in other years“: this is the meager accumulation of precipitation that fell on French territory during this month of July, according to Cyrille Duchesne, meteorologist at The Weather Channel*. The driest ever recorded since 1959. Enough to place the country in an alarming water situation, while the month of August has barely begun. “We are moving into something quite new, over the past thirty years we have never had such a deficit of rain“, worries the hydrologist Emma Haziza. Some villages in the south of France are already subject to heavy restrictions on a daily basis, such as in Seillans in the Var, where the inhabitants are forced to limit their water consumption to 150 or 200 liters per day and per person.

With a month of Augustwithout precipitation announced until the 15th, then a few rare thunderstorms in the mountains before a new dry episode“, according to Cyrille Duchesne, the case of Seillans, could be the first of a long list…

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