Drug trafficking on TikTok: The dark side of the teen platform

A new drug scene for teenagers has developed on TikTok. This is the conclusion reached by researching the radio format STRG_F. The platform not only exchanges information about drugs, but dealers also try to offer their goods. All of this happens in public.

TikTok: New drug trade established

Research into the public format STRG_F has shown that TikTok is also increasingly being used for drug deals becomes. Although obvious hashtags such as #drogen or #drugs are blocked, dealers and consumers are switching to others – such as #tanteemma as an allusion to the drug MDMA. Although the operators of TikTok were made aware of problematic hashtags by CTRL_F, they are still available.

According to reporters Isabell Beer and Désirée Fehringer TikTok’s algorithms facilitate access to the public drug scene. If you follow drug users and like the corresponding videos, similar videos will quickly be flushed into the feed. The effect would also be amplified in that videos would no longer only focus on the use of drugs, but also on the sale of drugs.

According to STRG_F it is possible via the platform access to drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy. Videos in which drugs are openly offered have been removed by TikTok upon request. A statement said that TikTok’s “priority” is “the safety and well-being” of the community. The depiction of drug use is prohibited on the platform, as are videos in which drugs are advertised.

We have collected harmless tips for TikTok in the video:

“DarkTok”: Dark side of TikTok as a focus

The radio offer has equal in ten formats dedicated to the dark side of the hugely popular platform. The aim of “DarkTok” is to raise awareness of the conscious use of TikTok. The TikTok drug abuse video will be available to watch on Tuesday, August 23 at 5:00 p.m. on STRG_F’s YouTube channel (Source: Horizon).

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