Drug violence in Mexico – More than 4,000 villagers in Mexico displaced by violence – News

Drug violence in Mexico – More than 4,000 villagers in Mexico displaced by violence – News – SRF

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  • In a Mexican village, more than 4,000 people have to be evacuated.
  • The reason is violent conflict between drug cartels.
  • Soldiers have taken the villagers to emergency shelters, said Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

There is a dispute between people from the community itself, said López Obrador, without giving any further details about the motives. He is trying to reach an agreement between the conflicting parties so that the people can soon return to their homes, said López Obrador.

Authorities in the state of Chiapas previously announced that numerous houses, shops and vehicles were set on fire in the town of Tila in southern Mexico. Two bodies were also found in one of the houses. The residents had hidden in their homes for days out of fear.

Local media reported violence between drug cartels in Tila over the weekend.

Man speaking behind lectern with Mexican flag in background.


Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said mediation was taking place between the parties.


SRF 4 News, 11.06.2024, 03:00 ;

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