drugs at the heart of the rape case? The chilling revelations of one of his friends

For almost five months, the investigation into the disappearance of 15-year-old Lina has been ongoing. While we learned that the young girl had filed a complaint for rape in 2022, the magazine Le Nouveau Détective reveals that her attackers made her smoke cannabis before sexually abusing her.

Lina, 15, remains nowhere to be found today. It was on September 23, 2023 when the teenager was walking to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station to take the train towards Strasbourg where her boyfriend, Tao, was waiting for her, whom she suddenly disappeared. Since then, the young girl has given no sign of life. Although the alert was quickly given and numerous measures were put in place to find Lina, the case still remains a mystery. After several months of research, investigators are convinced that the teenager got into a car and a young man in his twenties is actively being sought. But this is not the only information that leaked from the investigation, in fact, Lina filed a complaint a year earlier against two men for “ gang rape “.

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A complaint dismissed and then reconsidered by the courts

If Lina’s complaint had been dismissed in 2022 for “insufficiently characterized offense“, a lack of understanding for Lina’s mother who spoke on the subject: “I speak for Lina too: I feel like I’ve been betrayed. At 13 and a half years old, Lina needed to be protected. Justice did not protect my daughter», it was finally reconsidered following the disappearance of the young girl. Re-examined by the public prosecutor following the ongoing investigation to find Lina, the Strasbourg public prosecutor’s office finally opened a judicial investigation and on February 2 it was the charge of rape committed on a minor under 15 years old by a adult with an age difference of at least 5 years which has been retained.

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The revelations surrounding this complaint

This is the magazineNew Detectivewhich reports the unfolding of the facts. Everything would have happened on May 4, 2022 when Lina was in the company of a friend when they came across two young men in their twenties, T and L. They then invited them to “to set down» with them in a house located in the heights of La Broque in Bas-Rhin, and offered him to smoke cannabis. A friend then assured the magazine: “She wasn’t used to it at all», a situation which caused the young girl to sleep while her friend was gone, giving the two boys the opportunity to sexually abuse her. Unfortunately, these new elements will not change the accusations in the case, as one of the lawyers working for the magazine reveals: “It would be an aggravating circumstance if Lina had consumed this cannabis without her knowledge, which does not seem to be the case. On the other hand, this would make the case of these two men heavier in the minds of a judge or jurors, and would expose them to a more severe sentence.“.

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The disappearance of Lina does not help the investigation, in fact, as the lawyer explains: “Justice can neither hear her again nor confront her with these men. Their lawyers will highlight this to denounce the fragility of the case“. For the moment, the two young men remain presumed innocent of the acts with which they are accused.

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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