Drunk boat trip – “Help, my husband fell into the Danube!”

Alcohol and panic are not a good mix: Because she couldn’t see her partner anywhere, a woman, after a party on a boat in Feldkirchen an der Donau (Upper Austria), believed that he had fallen into the river. There was a huge search operation from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., then the missing man, who was also very drunk, fortunately turned up alive.

Five people aged 25 and 53 celebrated merrily on Saturday night on a boat in Unterlandshaag in the municipality of Feldkirchen an der Donau. When leaving the boat, one fell over a floating jetty into the water and was pulled out by the others. On the way towards the exit of the area, a woman lost sight of her partner for unknown reasons and was afraid that he had also fallen into the Danube. 120 firefighters on duty Due to severe alcoholism and panic, no further information could be provided. Ultimately, the person they were looking for was found on a boat on land, also heavily intoxicated. In addition to the police patrols and dogs, the Landshaag, Feldkirchen and Aschach volunteer fire departments with around 120 men and three paramedics were on the search mission.
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