Dry and damaged feet: the causes, symptoms and solutions to make them softer: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

It is generally when the good weather arrives that we take stock of our feet. Locked up in shoes throughout the cold season, we tend to neglect them a little. But when it comes to showing them off in our favorite sandals, we want to pamper them. And this is often the occasion to notice that they are dry, or even damaged…

The skin of the feet is in fact the thickest on the body, and the more we use this area, particularly with the friction of shoes, the more the horn thickens to protect itself, which leads to hyperkeratosis or dry skin. In addition, their palm is almost devoid of sebaceous glands and therefore sebum. Drought is therefore a common phenomenon there. The most vulnerable part? The heel, which once dehydrated can quickly become uncomfortable, even painful if cracks develop. “In case of dry feetalways consult a dermatologist because they can also be a sign of a pathology.recommends the health professional.

Dry feet: what can be the causes?

Some people have naturally very dry skin, others suffer from seasonal or occasional forms. In any case, many factors can aggravate or trigger the phenomenon, starting with wearing open shoes in summer. If they allow the feet to breathe (and thus reduce the risk of mycosis), they promote the thickening of the horn under the feet. The cold in winter can also increase dryness, as can dietary or hormonal deficiencies during menopause.

Dry feet: painful symptoms

Dry feet result in rough skin on the heel and/or toes, and around the nails. Concern ? If the heel cracks all the way to the crevice, it reaches the dermis and nerve endings. “Not only is it very painful, but it is also a gateway to infections”, warns Dr. Peres.

How to get soft feet again?

It’s basic advice, yet it’s worth repeating: washing your feet every day is crucial. Use lukewarm water and dry them gently, remembering to pass between the toes. Treat your feet the same as your body and apply moisturizer daily. In case of very dry heels, exfoliate with a treatment or a grater. If you prefer an exfoliating treatment, choose it that is very gentle and rich in lipids. To get off to a good start, it is possible to leave a fruit acid peel on for an hour or overnight to restart cell renewal. The next day, apply a moisturizing oil and in the evening at bedtime, a balm rich in vegetable waxes so that it acts all night.

What shoes to choose so as not to have dry feet?

“Women’s shoes are often triangular while feet are square”underlines the dermatologist who recommends favoring shoes made of natural and breathable material, not too tight or too high, at the risk of causing calluses on the front of the foot and using cotton or lisle socks.

Is apple cider vinegar effective in softening dry feet?

To fight against dry feet, we are sometimes tempted to turn to natural tips. Apple cider vinegar is often touted as the miracle ingredient on social media. There are numerous publications extolling the merits of a thirty-minute foot bath, in a mixture of cider vinegar and water, to be repeated 2 to 3 times a week. This product, often used in grandmother’s remedies, has antibacterial and antifungal properties as explained by Dr. Vandana Punjabi, dermatologist and trichologist, to the Indian media Prag news. This type of foot bath would therefore limit fungal infections and odors due to perspiration. “Additionally, vinegar’s moderate exfoliating abilities can help remove dead skin cells, producing a smoother, healthier appearance of the foot. added the specialist to the Indian media. However, be careful not to overdo it so as not to irritate your skin.

Thanks to Dr Sylvie Peres, dermatologist and co-founder of Alaena Cosmétique.

Read also :

⋙ Dry feet: how to effectively remove dead skin? Advice from a dermatologist

⋙ What is the risk of wearing flip flops this summer?

⋙ Dry feet: the amazing trick of a dermatologist to make them more beautiful this summer

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