"Dry January", the challenge for perfect skin!

In this post-holiday season and after the many excesses that you may have just succumbed to, the Dry January challenge seems to be just right. A month without alcohol, you take up the challenge? It is your skin (among others) that will say "thank you"!

You must have already thought about it – with more or less conviction – and maybe this article relating the benefits of this trend will eventually convince you … In any case, there is something to be tempted! While it's not difficult to understand that not drinking a single drop of alcohol for a whole month can seem really complicated (not to say almost impossible), a period of cure to start the year 2021, that would do you a lot of good, don't you think?

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Video by Laetitia Azi

You might have tried the experiment on your own several times before, but it was never very successful. But this time, everything is different: already, you have stocked up on champagne, wine and cocktails during the holidays; then, bars and restaurants are closed for the moment (which represents less temptations); also, you will certainly not be alone in depriving yourself. Indeed, the challenge having taken of international dimensions, there are chances that you will find support in your entourage (more or less close)! Finally, the many positive effects that you will observe, on your skin in particular, can only be a source of motivation …

We don't teach you anything: drinking alcohol is not good for the skin. Moreover, you have surely already observed it for yourself after a drunken evening: when you woke up, your face was swollen, your complexion dull, your lips dry… This list is not exhaustive. The problem is that these effects are not only synonymous with a hangover, but can also set in over time on the epidermis: redness, general dehydration, premature aging of the skin … We do not teach you anything by telling you that binge drinking can take its toll, and not just on the surface.

Fortunately, the good news is that when you stop drinking, even a month, you will already see improvements on your skin ! It's a fact: it takes on average 28 days of treatment to see a real difference: more fresh, glowing and plumped up, your skin will say "thank you"!

Faced with such results, you will not regret having tested the Dry January and maybe even want to extend the experiment or repeat it several times a year, who knows?

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Video by Anais Monk

Melissa Sekkal

Editor for the beauty section, Mélissa intends to share with you all the secrets of this vast universe. Nothing escapes her and it is with you that she shares all her finds …