Dry Nail Polish Faster: Manicure Tips | BRIGITTE.de

Tired of waiting and want your nail polish to dry faster? With these practical tricks, your nail polish will be dry in no time – without annoying manicure mistakes.

Do you like painting your nails? Then you will also be interested how to dry nail polish faster Because the well-known nail polish dilemma is that applying nail polish takes time and patience that we rarely want to muster. But if we are too impatient, unsightly scratches will appear on the nails. Ratz fatz you bumped into the freshly painted nails or got caught on your clothes. Then it’s either start over or accept the quirk. Not anymore! We’ll tell you how to dry your nail polish faster.

How long does nail polish take to dry completely?

It all depends on the nail polish. There is quick-drying paintsthat in only Dry for 60 seconds. With a commercially available nail polish without a quick-drying effect the first layer in approximately five minutes be completely dry. The second shift needed about ten to fifteen minutes to dry. And the third layer can even up to twenty minutes drying time claim. So it makes sense to plan half an hour for painting your nails. Or you can use our tips for drying nail polish faster.

How to properly apply nail polish

If you haven’t planned a lot of time for your manicure, then make absolutely sure that you no thick layers of nail polish apply. These take a very long time to dry. Better: Paint your fingernails in several thin layers. And don’t worry about the opacity, the desired color should be on your nails after the third layer at the latest. It’s best to wait 2-3 minutes between coats to make sure each coat is dry. This is how you avoid mistakes.

Tip: For those in a hurry there are so-called Quick-dry nail polishesthat dry in 60 seconds. Another option are special Top coats or top coats, which ensure that conventional nail polish hardens more quickly. To do this, simply apply the normal nail polish to your nails as usual, wait two minutes and then apply the top coat to the nail polish. Another advantage is that top coats seal the nail polish and make it last longer.

Which home remedies make nail polish dry faster?

1. Dry nail polish faster with hairspray

Sounds crazy, but a regular hairspray can actually help nail polish dry faster. Due to the mostly very high alcohol content it pulls the moisture out of the paintwork, allowing it to dry faster.

Application: Spray a small amount onto your painted nails from a distance of 30 centimeters and repeat the process after a minute if necessary.

Pro tip: Unfortunately, hairspray also robs the skin of moisture. So pamper your hands with a rich hand cream after use. In this way, dry spots can be avoided.

2. Dry nail polish faster with baby oil

Also using baby oil or olive oil can you do that drying process of your nail polish.

Application: Paint your nails as usual and let the paint dry for about 30 seconds. Then use a pipette to put a drop of oil on each nail. Wait two minutes and use a tissue to wipe away any excess oil. Another advantage: the oil cares for your cuticles.

Dry nail polish faster: With these tricks it works

1. Dry nail polish faster: into the ice water!

It sounds a little strange, actually but nail polish dries faster with the help of cold. Shock freezing removes moisture from the paint.

And this is how you do it:

  1. Fill a large kitchen bowl (should fit both hands) with cold water, then add about 4 ice cubes.
  2. Now you can start painting your fingernails. When you’re done, let the polish dry for a minute or two.
  3. Then, place your hands in the bowl of ice water for two minutes or hold your fingertips in so that all nails are completely surrounded by water.
  4. Make sure that you don’t move your hands if possible, otherwise flow marks such as waves or other quirks can appear on the nails.

Disadvantage: Some paints are sensitive to shock freezing with ice water and become porous more quickly. To avoid this, it can make sense to test how your nail polish reacts to cold on a nail first.

Tip: Instead of dipping your fingers in a water bath, you can also use them for about a minute in the freezer or under one cold water jet keep. Just make sure that you don’t open the tap too far, a very hard jet can cause dents in the paint.

2. Dry nail polish faster with UV light

UV light speeds up the drying process of nail polish quite reliable and is therefore often used in professional nail salons. There are now UV lamps for manicures at home, but they are not cheap. However, the advantage of UV light compared to other methods is that there is actually no risk of producing scratches or quirks on the nails.

Danger: UV light only cures varnishes that contain polymers – these are mostly gel varnishes.

Tip: On a sunny day, you can also let your nail polish dry by an open window or in the air. through the Sun exposure will dry it faster.

3. Dry nail polish faster with drying spray or drips

There are drying sprays and drops in drugstores that speed up the drying process of nail polish. Both funds contain so-called Dryer oils, which ensure that the solvents in the paint evaporate more quickly. The nail polish hardens so much faster.

Application: Spray the quick drying spray onto the slightly dried paint from a distance of 30 centimetres. Wait a minute or two – done!
It works similarly with the drying drops: you simply put a drop on each nail and wait until the liquid has absorbed. After a minute, the nail polish should be hard.

Dry nail polish faster: These tips are useless

One misconception persists: nail polish dries particularly quickly when we use it blow dryamong the fan hold or with that hairdryer to edit. But that’s not a good idea! It can either happen that waves appear on the nails due to the air flow or the air from the hair dryer only dries the polish on the surface, underneath it remains soft. This way the manicure will chip faster over the course of the day.

Would you like more tips for beautiful nails? Here we explain how you can remove cuticles or make nail oil yourself.


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