Due to rising energy prices: Efficient heat pump heats almost 40 percent cheaper than gas

Due to rising energy prices
Efficient heat pump heats almost 40 percent cheaper than gas

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Heat pumps cost more than gas heating systems – but only when they are purchased. In terms of ongoing operation, households that heat with heat pumps are significantly cheaper, as an analysis shows. The reason for this is the increase in gas prices.

Consumers who heat with a heat pump are currently getting a much cheaper deal than with a gas heater. This is reported by the Funke Media Group, citing an analysis by the comparison portal Verivox. The background to this is the development of gas prices, which have increased significantly over the course of the year.

Based on tariffs for new customers, households with an efficient heat pump currently have 38 percent lower heating costs than households with a conventional gas heating system. If the heat pump is not very efficient, the costs are still six percent lower than with a natural gas heating system, the report says.

The starting point for the comparison is a new customer who heats a single-family home with an annual consumption of 20,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) with natural gas. According to Verivox, he currently pays an average of 1,658 euros for this. This corresponds to a price of 8.29 cents/kWh.

If, however, the house has an efficient heat pump with an annual performance factor of 4, a total of 5000 kilowatt hours of electricity would be needed for the same amount of heat. At the current average cost for new customers, this would be 1034 euros per year, according to the price comparison portal. “A well-functioning heat pump system currently causes 38 percent lower heating costs compared to natural gas,” says the analysis. According to the calculation, the savings potential for single-family home residents when using a heat pump instead of gas heating is at least 600 euros per year. With a less efficient pump with an annual performance factor of 2.7, the running costs would still be around 100 euros lower than with gas.

Pump electricity is cheaper than household electricity

Verivox energy expert Thorsten Storck explained the price difference to the Funke newspapers with the price increases for gas. Since spring, the kilowatt hour in new customer tariffs has become almost two cents more expensive. “The reasons for this are the return to the old VAT rate of 19 percent, higher wholesale prices and the increase in the gas storage levy from July 2024,” said Storck.

Thanks to lower electricity network fees and concession fees, the electricity tariffs for heat pumps are significantly cheaper than normal household electricity. The cheapest offers for heat pump electricity are currently around 21 cents per kilowatt hour, says Storck.

What was not taken into account in the analysis are the acquisition costs. Installing a heat pump is generally more expensive than installing a gas heating system, although there are government subsidies for switching. The subsidy was only extended to other recipient groups at the end of May. Which heating system or combination of heating systems is best for a household also depends heavily on the individual situation and the structural conditions, says Verivox expert Storck. An on-site energy consultation can help with an assessment.

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