Dune broke version: hideous special effects and rough acting, discover the Planet Dune trailer

Embark for Arrakis in Planet Dune, a Nanardesque production surfing on the success of Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation!

Forget Denis Villeneuve’s Dune… or not! The studio The Asylum, specialized in nanars, tackles the work of Frank Herbert with its own adaptation of the famous novel.

The production company has already offered us many mockbusters (films more or less plagiarized from blockbusters and intended for the video market) such as the Sharknado saga, The Terminators, Transmorphers or Titanic: Odyssey 2012.

In Planet Dune, which is therefore openly eyeing the side of the Denis Villeneuve version, we find ourselves in a very hostile world for man. Covered in arid deserts, Dune is populated by gigantic carnivorous sandworms.

A space crew is sent to rescue their colleagues in danger at an abandoned base, but the rescue mission quickly turns carnage.

As you can see in the trailer above, The Asylum lives up to its reputation. Hideous special effects, rough acting, empty sets… there’s no doubt that we’re in a big fat booby made in Asylum!

Note that Sean Young, who played Chani in David Lynch’s Dune, is top of the bill here in the role of Chase, the commander of the crew.

If you want to give it a shot, Planet Dune is available on VOD.

As a bonus, a VF extract with the appearance of a giant worm created by computer… in a hurry.

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