Dunja Rajter: Singer back in the spotlight after eye surgery

Dunja Rajter
Singer back in the spotlight after eye surgery

Dunja Rajter apparently survived her eye operation well.

© ddp/Stoccy

Dunja Rajter back in public after eye surgery. She came to the premiere of her new ARD series after her retinal detachment.

The pop star Dunja Rajter (78) appeared in public again many weeks after her retinal detachment. She attended the premiere of the ARD series “Die Zweiflers” in a Frankfurt cinema and said to the “Bild” newspaper: “I’m feeling well again and I’m looking forward to seeing my series. Without fog in front of the lens!” In the series, Rajter took on a small role as the operator of a nail salon. “Today is the first day that I put makeup on my eyes again. I’ve been feeling very naked lately,” the singer and actress continued.

In March, Rajter announced in “Bild am Sonntag” that her retina in her left eye had detached: “I knew something was wrong. It was at night when these flashes came again, then I only have one black bar in the eye.” As a result, she had an emergency operation and it wasn’t clear for two to three weeks “whether her eyesight would come back,” her husband Michael Eichler told the newspaper at the time. Eight years ago, her retina detached in her right eye.

She became a star in the 1960s and 70s

Dunja Rajter became a star in the 1960s. She appeared in TV shows and series and was an actress in films such as “Winnetou I”, “Among Vultures” and “The Beginning”. She also started a career as a singer and was successful in the 1970s with songs like “What’s in it” and “Salem Aleikum”. In 2021 she released the album “I want to feel life”.

She has been married to Michael Eichler for the third time since 2009. Before that, she was married to the cameraman Gérard Vandenberg (1932-1999) for a few months from 1970. In 1972 she married the singer Les Humphries (1940-2007), and the couple’s son was born in 1974. The marriage ended in divorce in 1976.


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