EA blames the Frostbite engine, the Covid and… Halo Infinite

Battlefield 2042 was not the expected success for EA. And according to the publisher, this is linked to very specific reasons. This is what we can learn!

Battelfield 2042 did not meet expectations according to EA as we explained to you a short time ago here. The XFire site had some additional information on the reasons (according to EA) for this failure.

A meeting to try to understand

EA held an internal company-wide meeting to discuss Battlefield 2042, where executives spent over 20 minutes (which ultimately feels like very little) going over what was wrong with the launch of the game. game. The director of the studios, Laura Miele, would have stressed on this occasion that it was important to recognize when a company had failures, including therefore for the case Battlefield 2042.

Reason #1: Battlefield 2042’s Frostbite Engine

One of the causes that Miele has apparently mentioned as being responsible for the Battlefield 2042 issues is the Frostbite engine, which had to undergo a massive update. This would have absorbed 18 months of development time on its own… We can imagine the damage in a team.

The Covid, this damn virus

Miele also spoke about the work-from-home environment resulting from Covid-19 which impacted the Battlefield 2042 development cycle. She was quoted as saying:

If you add up all this new innovation, all this ambition for the new project, and then add in a global pandemic halfway through the project, where game teams had to work from home, we ended up with more new variables in development than we have ever known before.

So far, it seems legit. But wait until you see the third reason.

Halo Infinite Battlefield 2042 Assassin

Finally, the report states that Miele claimed that Halo Infinite’s surprise multiplayer launch was a watershed moment, which came just four days before Battlefield 2042 was released on November 19. In fact, Battlefield 2042 not being as well finished, it harmed the game against Halo.

What do you think dand all these statements?

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