EA is currently developing a new technology aimed at preventing problems with its servers

Apex Legends, EA, Respawn, patent, technology, servers, issues, fix, improvement, lag, latency, ping, FIFA,

In online FPS, servers are one of the most important elements in order to have an optimal gaming experience. To counter the problems experienced by its servers, Apex Legends is actively working on some improvements.

Apex Legendsthe Battle Royale from Respawn and EA, knows, like many online shooters, some server issues, thus directly affecting players’ gaming experience. Recently, in order to improve the connection to game servers, EA has filed a patent for a new technology to counter these concerns.

Although we do not currently have much information on the new technology of this patent named “Providing video game content to an online connected game”we already know that it will be based on machine learning. In terms of its operation, we find real-time analysis of player connections. Thanks to the latter, the EA servers will be able to detect players with high latency between their actions and their achievement in game, which will allow them to to take action to correct the problems as soon as possible.

With this new technology, EA intends to obtain a new way to prevent server issues since the teams will be able to react as quickly as possible when the players encounter problems. This will therefore solve major issues on servers before they become unplayable. It’s also good news since, despite EA’s importance in the gaming sphere, their games often have big server problemslike on fifawhere some matches just become unplayable. It is therefore a first step towards solving these problems and the reconciliation of EA with the communities of its games, which the quality of the servers annoys strongly.

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