EA Sports FC: Tweet about “new league” causes confusion – that’s behind it


A tweet has surfaced on social media about EA Sports FC wanting to confirm a new league, but beware – for that reason.

The FIFA games will soon be over. In the future the series will be called EA Sports FC. (Source: Screenshot EA)

+++ Update: +++ Originally, the text said the league’s confirmation was a leak. This is probably not the case and we have adjusted the article accordingly and apologize. The aforementioned Twitter channel wants to confirm the Romanian league as a new league, but it already exists in FIFA 23 and the license will continue to exist, as EA has confirmed.

Some may be hoping for a FIFA 24, but in 2023 comes Electronic Arts’ EA Sports FC as EA and FIFA go their separate ways.

EA hasn’t revealed much about the game yet, there will be a reveal in July, but Twitter channels like “FUTZone” give some insights in advance.

Accordingly, the Superliga (League 1) will be in play. This is the Romanian football league. All teams and players are included thanks to the license. However, the league is already present in FIFA 23, so the content of the tweet is not a big surprise and even misleading, since the league as such is not new.

At the moment, all licenses that exist in FIFA 23 should also continue to exist in EA Sports, EA informed us again in an interview. Accordingly, it can be assumed that leagues such as the Romanian one will also be part of EA Sports FC. Of course, it could be that licenses will expire, but at the moment it looks like you can expect a lot of licenses in the new game as well.

These game highlights are coming soon
These titles are coming soon

Many new game releases are approaching in 2023 for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One and Switch. In our game release list you can see the release dates at a glance, including the July highlights.

The release date of EA Sports FC will probably be late September or October. Whether a demo will appear beforehand is uncertain.

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Source: EA – Leagues in FIFA 23

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