Eager to take a break, Jean Castex is not a candidate for anything

Por Jean Castex, a page will turn on the evening of May 12. Prime Minister for a few more days, he will invite all of his ministers to dinner that evening, before the appointment of a new government, of which he will not be. According to information from our colleagues from France Info, his name was nevertheless approached for the Ministry of Justice. But after two years at the head of a government in full management of a major health crisis, Jean Castex now intends to take a break.

In the short term, as soon as the person who will succeed him is appointed, he plans to take a few weeks of family vacation. For the future, he will not be a candidate for any position in the new government, no more than for the legislative elections (even if constituencies remained to be taken), nor even for the senatorial elections of 2023. According to an important member of the majority, Jean Castex is “in a hurry to leave his post, because he is happy to come out alive”. Especially since Emmanuel Macron asked him to work overtime when he wanted to leave at the end of the presidential election.

Resignation at the weekend?

The resignation of Jean Castex is expected between Friday May 13 and Monday 16, still according to France Info. The appointment of the person who will replace him should take place quickly after his resignation, and the composition of the new government will be announced at least two days later. The High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life will in particular have to look into the declarations of assets and interests of each future member of the government.

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