Earth Day: what technological alternatives to (perhaps) save the planet?

Fanny Dufour

April 22, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.


Earth Day 2022 © Geres

© Geres

For Earth Day 2022, the theme is eco-anxiety. A call to action to save our planet and adopt new ecological habits.

If the technology does not always have a good reputation when it comes to ecology, it can nevertheless respond to many problems. We offer you a short tour of the technological alternatives that can allow us to meet ecological challenges.

What is Earth Day?

Celebrated annually on April 22 since its inception in 1970, Earth Day or Earth Day is a participatory event that brings together citizens from 193 countries to organize collective actions around ecology: hikes, recycling, awareness of biodiversity, debates… The goal is to raise citizens’ awareness, at least for one day, of ecological challenges. that await us.

This year, the IPCC report made an alarming observation on the state of the climate and the need to change the way we consume and produce. Also, the theme chosen for Earth Day 2022 is that of eco-anxiety, that is to say the anxiety caused by the climate changes that are occurring. To “cure” this evil, it is advisable to act on your side, alone or in a group, against climate change.

In this context, technology also gets involved in an attempt to save the Earth (and humanity). The opportunity to discover or rediscover files and selections to understand and decipher existing technological initiatives, the alternatives that can accompany us to adopt more sustainable behaviors and achieve our ecological objectives.

Alternatives for more sustainable consumption

As we said, the IPCC report warned of the need to profoundly change our consumption patterns. For many years, many mobile applications have offered to support the sustainable and gentle modification of our daily habits. Second-hand objects, solutions to avoid food waste, make an informed choice for food and beauty products, travel differently… so many avenues for improvement that these applications selected by us will allow you to follow.

What are the best apps for responsible consumption?

Mobile applications that allow us to take a big step towards a sustainable economy in order to reduce our impact on nature and future generations. Read more

Green apps

Curing your eco-anxiety also requires knowledge. Even if it is still advisable to use the Internet and to dematerialize its documents to avoid excessive use of paper, our use of the Web is not carbon neutral. In October 2018, a report by the think thank you French The Shift Project estimated that digital represented 3.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. If you want to see the ecological impact of your daily visits to the Internet, estimate which sites are the most harmful and have ways to improve your consumption of digital content, the Carbonalyser extension can guide you.

Carbonalyser: the web extension that calculates your CO2 emissions on the web

Long unknown to the general public, the electricity consumption linked to web browsing is responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions… Read more

Downloading apps to change your habits is good, doing it on a phone that isn’t itself a source of waste is better. More and more voices are raised against the biggest brands of telephones and computers, which tend to reduce the repairability of their products in order to push consumption and purchase, even as the construction of a new smartphone has a significant environmental (and human) impact. According to a 2018 study, buying a new smartphone is equivalent to using and charging a smartphone for ten years, because of the environmental impact of its creation. Fairphone tries to act on its side for a fairer electronic world, with its repairable, durable and environmentally friendly smartphone. A track to study for your future phone on this Earth Day 2022.

Fairphone 4


Read the test


Fairphone 4

  • Modular design and high repairability.
  • A fair smartphone.
  • Daytime pictures

Although imperfect, the Fairphone 4 is a unique proposition that points to the responsibility we have as consumers to choose a phone that meets our real needs and to keep it as long as possible to make it a responsible purchase.

Although imperfect, the Fairphone 4 is a unique proposition that points to the responsibility we have as consumers to choose a phone that meets our real needs and to keep it as long as possible to make it a responsible purchase.

Technological solutions for a greener future

If we have what to act in the short term, many initiatives and emerging projects are trying to find more sustainable solutions in the medium and long term. Whether gradually implemented or still at the concept stage, these solutions may be able to help establish a more ecological future. Something to calm your eco-anxiety on this Earth Day?

Among the initiatives already implemented around the world, the so-called BEPOS buildings, considered to be positive energy, ie they produce more energy than they consume. Where are we on their constructions? Our file on the subject will answer your questions.

Green buildings and energy sources?

What if rethinking the way buildings are designed and built was one of the main keys to sustainable urban development? Read more

building tomorrow

And if from the beginning, the solution was in the air that surrounds us? Composed of numerous chemical elements, it can be a vast “reservoir” of natural resources to be exploited. Water, diamonds, electricity, these numerous projects seek to transform the air into resources currently produced in a way that is not very respectful of the environment.

Tomorrow, draw most of our resources from the air?

Due to its chemical elements, ambient air can be seen as a vast “reservoir” of natural resources to be exploited… Read more

hot air balloon

Another track already in place, drones. It may seem surprising to highlight products that require many resources for their creation that are not very compatible with ecology, but their intelligent use can be a real plus for our ecosystem. Whether it is to help farmers better monitor their crops and reduce their use of chemicals, for research on marine fauna or to monitor the quality of our water and replant trees, as our dossier explains, drones are in truth essential all-purpose tools for ecology, much more than their reputation might suggest.

Can drones save the environment?

What if drones became valuable allies in combating pollution and curbing the effects of climate change?
Read more


Electric cars are often put forward as a good ecological alternative. But now that they are becoming more democratic, one of the main issues in terms of ecology is at the level of their batteries. One of the avenues for improvement regularly highlighted by Earth Day is the recycling of used parts and the batteries of electric cars are no exception. Where are we today on this side? Our file makes an inventory of the situation.

Recycling or reuse: what “second life” for electric car batteries?

A central subject in more ways than one, whether to reduce the environmental footprint of electric vehicles or to limit the cost of end-of-life batteries. Read more

Electric car

Discover the Earth on foot or from your sofa

Not everything is obligation and restrictions in ecology. Among the initiatives put in place by different collectives on this Earth Day, we regularly find hikes and film presentations, a lighter way to reconnect with the nature that surrounds us and to become aware of the entire ecosystem. which swarms around us. If you want to organize a hike but you don’t know where to start, apps can guide you, before and during your excursion. We have selected the best on the market for you.

The 7 best hiking apps for finding wilderness routes

Hiking app © Shutterstock

You can’t (or don’t want to) go straight to nature? Good news, you don’t even have to leave your couch to grow. Documentary series exist to learn new things about our Universe, our Earth, about the infinitely large and the infinitely small. To be aware of the challenges that await us, understanding how all these things around us work is essential. And with Cosmos, it is possible to do it while having fun. Practical, right?

Cosmos : let Neil deGrasse Tyson put stars in your head

Cosmos © Fox

Read also:
How to choose a refurbished product?

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