easily remove traces of felt with toothpaste


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An infallible tip for parents who have children who are a little too attracted to coloring the walls of the house.

All parents go through this at some point with their children. We want to keep them busy by offering them a superb range of the most beautiful markers on the market. Result: our little ones take themselves for the future Pablo Picasso and redecorate the walls of their bedroom or, worse, from the living room. It is then a real headache to try to erase the traces of coloring without tearing off the wallpaper or removing all the paint.

Fortunately, there is an infallible technique to easily remove traces of felt. And for that, you just have to go to your bathroom, bring your toothpaste, preferably white, grab a piece of clean cloth and scrub.

How to do ?

1. Put a dab of toothpaste on a clean cloth.
2. Rub ballpoint pen, pencil or felt-tip pen stains in circles.
3. Wipe off toothpaste residue with a clean, dry cloth.

There you go, goodbye to the drawings on the wall ! It is all clean and effortless. Simple, practical and effective! Thanks to this trick, your wall is impeccable. Plus a trace of Velleda marker, grease pencil, paper or color pencil, Bic pen, Stabilo, gouache. And even if it is a painted wall or a plastered wall. You don’t need to wash the whole wall. And of course, you don’t need to repaint it to hide children’s nonsense.

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