Easter Eggs in Hogwarts Legacy: Harry Potter fans should know these 12 hidden clues


The story of Hogwarts Legacy takes place before the “Harry Potter” films and books and yet there are some Easter Eggs. Harry Potter fans should know these 12 clues.

There are some easter eggs hidden in Hogwarts Legacy. (Source: Warner Bros. Games)

Since Hogwarts Legacy is based on the “Harry Potter” books, it is not surprising that references to the books and films can be found in the role-playing game.

The headmaster in the game is none other than Phineas Nigellus Black and ancestors of well-known magic families such as the Weasleys or the Gaunts are also represented in Hogwarts Legacy.

But there are some Easter Eggs in Hogwarts Legacy that only fans of the Harry Potter series will recognize. We show you hidden clues that you may not have discovered yet.

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