Easy on the wallet: These simple tricks reduce heating costs

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These simple tricks reduce heating costs

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Heating is getting more and more expensive in Germany. But even small changes can save costs. We reveal how.

Temperatures are dropping in Germany and many have already turned on their heaters. Others are trying to delay the start of the heating season. Because the prices for gas and heating oil have risen extremely this year. With these tips, your own four walls stay warm and your wallet is spared.

Do not overheat rooms

In order to save money on heating, the room temperature is important. One degree less reduces consumption by six percent, as the “consumer center” writes. Between 19 and 22 degrees Celsius is sufficient in living rooms, in the bedroom around 18 degrees is ideal. It is best to close the doors to the warmer rooms and ventilate the cooler rooms well. Otherwise, moisture will collect in the coldest spots and mold will develop.

Do not deliver radiators

It doesn’t matter whether it’s curtains or furniture: a radiator should never be blocked. Otherwise, energy costs can be up to five percent higher. If there is something in front of the radiator, it cannot distribute the heat evenly into the room. It is also important to keep the heater clean. Dust and lint reduce performance.

Maintain radiators regularly

Having heaters checked and serviced regularly is a wise investment. Because they only keep rooms warm if they work properly. It is also important to bleed the radiators regularly. At the latest when a gurgle can be heard or the radiator stays cold, action is called for. By venting, consumers can reduce their costs by up to 15 percent.

Attach thermostat

With the help of a thermostat, consumers do not have to guess the desired temperature, but can set it precisely. A programmable model has the advantage that the apartment is heated regardless of the presence. If the occupant is out of the house, the rooms can remain cooler. Shortly before coming home, the heaters heat up again.

Proper ventilation is what counts

Proper ventilation not only prevents mold growth, it also reduces heating costs. Brief airing provides fresh air, the walls do not cool down completely and the room heats up quickly afterwards. Two to three times a day it says: open the window! Long-term tipping, on the other hand, drives up heating costs. The walls cool down and it takes much longer for the room to fully heat up again.

Tight windows are the be-all and end-all

Old windows are energy guzzlers. Because drafts affect our well-being and we heat more. Replacing the sealing profiles or the entire window is worthwhile and the investment costs are amortized. If they are completely tight, the costs are reduced by up to 30 percent. To determine how tight the windows are, pinch a piece of paper between the frame and the sash. If it cannot be pulled out when the window is closed, it is tight at this point. Alternatively hold a lit candle in front of the window. If the flame flickers, it is leaking.


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