eBay Classifieds: To give away – That’s how it works

Image source: GIGA (© GIGA)

Instead of selling your used items on eBay classifieds, you can also give them away. GIGA shows you how this works.

As part of the Norwegian company Adevinta, eBay classifieds is the largest online classifieds portal in Germany. There is also a difference between eBay and eBay classifieds: We at GIGA have examined both trading platforms in a comparison in another article. What is certain is that a large number of transactions are carried out on eBay classifieds every day. However, it doesn’t always have to be about profit. You can do your stuff too give away or Giveaway offers perceive. We will show you how this works in this article.

How does eBay classifieds work? We explain it to you in the video tutorial:

Start photo gallery(72 images)

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eBay Classifieds: Take advantage of offers to give away

If you are looking for things that other people are giving away on the platform, you have to consider a few points. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get free items:

  1. Go to the eBay Classifieds website. You have to browse do not register.
  2. In the search bar at the top left under “What are you looking for?‘ the following: ‘give away” or “To give away“.
  3. You can also “All Categories” and under “Giving away and swapping” on “give awayclick.
  4. You can then search for the items you want.

It’s amazing how many people give away furniture on eBay classifieds. So if you are looking for cheap furniture, you might want to consider this option.

eBay Classifieds: Give items away

However, if you want to give away items yourself, you must first register and enter the following when advertising:

  1. Enter all the information about the item and click on “Price” on “To give away“.
  2. Click on “Advertisement give up“.

Everything that needs to be done is already done. Now a lucky person can receive your gift item. Always watch out for scammers when selling!

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